Monday, October 12, 2009

Family Home Evening

We had trouble singing a song together as a family tonight during family home evening (not unlike every time we try ;). So we worked to try an get those members who were not in the mood through various means of gentle persuasion. Then we prayed that Gavin could have a good attitude about singing and stop being a total pain. And then we read in our children's doctrine and covenants stories about how when righteous people sing, their songs are like a prayer to the Lord and that Jesus wants everyone to sing. A coincidence that we read that right after asking the Lord for help? I think not. Of course Maegan almost starts crying and then tries to wet willy me when I type this cause she is a total pain - bless her heart. Of course we didn't look for this story it was just the next story (Maegan wants us to be clear on this point that it was a direct and immediate tender mercy from the Lord). You might be able to tell the mood I'm in right writing this for the family. Anyways, another fun filled FHE.